CBD Skin Care Pure Nature
Made from purely natural ingredients

ALPINOLS Skin Care Pure Nature - Our CBD natural cosmetics have been developed hand in hand with nature. Made with the finest ingredients, the line offers a holistic approach to skincare, harnessing the potential benefits of CBD to nourish, soothe and rejuvenate your skin. For a radiant and healthy complexion.


CBD Purifying
Face Gel
Papaya & Sweet Clover, 100ml

29.90 €
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CBD Face Serum
Retinol &
Nourishing oils, 30ml

79.90 €
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CBD Face Cream
Shea butter, 50ml

69.90 €
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CBD Detox
Face Mask
Aloe Vera & Mineral Clays, 50ml

49.90 €
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Ultra Repair CBD Balsam
Vitamin E & Ringelblume

58.90 €
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CBD Massage Balm
Sport Recovery
Magnesium & Arnica, 50ml

64.90 €
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CBD Body Oil
Premium Jojoba Oil

34.90 €
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Face Roller
& Gua Sha Stone

27.00 €
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100% Swiss Made
Organic Full Spectrum Hemp Extract
Suitable for all skin types
100% natural ingredients

Natural cosmetics
With organic CBD

Naturprodukte sind vielfach gefragt. Denn natürliche Wirkstoffe können eine maximale Hautverträglichkeit bieten und den pH-Wert der Haut ausbalancieren. Unter all diesen Produkten nimmt die CBD-Kosmetik einen besonderen Stellenwert ein. Denn das Cannabinoid CBD aus der Hanfpflanze kann ein breites Wirkungsspektrum entfalten. Und das vor allem durch die Kombination mit weiteren reichhaltigen natürlichen Stoffen.

CBD Kosmetik: Pflege und Schutz für die Haut aus der Natur

The hemp plant produces over 100 different cannabinoids (chemical substances), with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) probably being the best known representatives. However, it unfolds CBD no intoxicating effect.

The product CBD oil, which is used internally, is particularly popular. Now it has been shown that the external application of CBD can also have a positive effect on the skin. In the meantime, many users have had good experiences with CBD cosmetics.

CBD in Kosmetik: Wirkung auf die Haut

When used internally and externally, CBD binds to the cannabinoid receptors that belong to the body's own regulatory system called the endocannbinoid system. As part of the nervous system, the endocannabinoid system can influence a variety of processes in the body. This includes for example the sensation of pain, mood, appetite, sleep-wake rhythm and inflammatory processes. Since the cannabinoid receptors can also be detected in the skin, CBD can also have an effect here.

CBD Kosmetik kaufen: Hochwertige Inhaltsstoffe aus der Natur

ALPINOLS has developed an organic cosmetic product exclusive formula developed with active ingredients from nature in combination with vitamins and minerals, which can help to provide the skin with sufficient care and protection. In addition, organic cosmetics help to normalise the skin's appearance, reduce redness and make the complexion appear fresh and healthy.

Darüber hinaus stellen die Produkte aufgrund ihrer hohen Qualität der ausgewählten Inhaltsstoffe zusätzlich die richtige Anti-Aging-Kosmetik dar. ALPINOLS setzt hier auf das Salz der Hyaluronsäure, das nicht auf der Hautoberfläche verbleibt, sondern aufgrund der geringen Molekülmasse in die tiefen Hautschichten eindringen kann.

CBD Kosmetik: Herstellung in höchster Qualität

For the skin care products with CBD, ALPINOLS builds in the Swiss Alpine hemp on organic soils according to the strict Bio-Suisse guidelines. After the manual harvest, the environmentally friendly CO2 extraction processes is used to extract the CBD from the plant material. Thanks to this gentle process, all other important ingredients from the hemp (cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids) are also retained, resulting in full-spectrum products.

Um die Viskosität und damit die Bioverfügbarkeit des CBD-Extraktes zu erhöhen, wird es in Bio-Hanfsamenöl gelöst. Dieses ist reich an wertvollen Antioxidantien, Vitaminen, Mineralstoffen und Spurenelementen, die sich zusätzlich positiv auf die Haut auswirken können.