CBD dosage and application

CBD oils are extremely popular and promise relief from various complaints such as anxiety, inner restlessness, headaches and migraines, skin problems or inflammations. However, when it comes to the correct dosage, a lot of different information is spreading. Many users are therefore confused, which is why the following article deals in detail with the topic of CBD dosage.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a chemical substance, more precisely a cannabinoid from the hemp plant. Various studies, especially experiments on animals and cell cultures and so far only a few clinical studies on humans, suggest that CBD has therapeutic potential for the treatment of various ailments. However, research here is still in its infancy. Sufficient scientific evidence does not (yet) exist. Right at the beginning, it is important to point out that there are big differences between freely available CBD oils and pharmaceutical-grade CBD.

CBD dosage: differences between CBD oil and medicinal CBD

The CBD for freely available CBD oil is extracted from low-THC hemp plants. Depending on the extraction method and carrier substance, the quality can vary considerably. In contrast, medicinal CBD is extracted from THC-rich cannabis plants that are grown and processed under strictly controlled conditions.

By comparison, commercial hemp offers about 4 to 5 percent CBD and only small traces of THC. In contrast, specially bred medicinal cannabis plants can have a CBD content of 10 percent and more. The THC content is also much higher, which is why no freely available CBD oil may be produced from this. When the pharmacological effect of CBD is examined in research, scientists do not use freely available CBD oils, as they are not standardised and have a much too low CBD content. For example, CBD is used as a pure substance or a synthetic form in very high doses.

CBD dosage in studies

The problem is illustrated by an example:

In a study, patients with treatment-resistant epilepsy in childhood received pure CBD in a dosage of 2 to 5 mg/kg per day, which was dosed high until intolerance or up to a maximum dose of up to 50 mg/kg per day in order to achieve a pharmacological effect.

So a person with a body weight of 65 kilograms starts with a dose of 130 to 325mg of CBD, which is then slowly increased up to a maximum dose of 3250mg per day.

Assuming that a 10ml bottle of CBD oil with 1000mg produces about 200 drops, where one drop has about 2.2mg of CBD, about 59 to 147 drops would have to be taken to reach the starting dose and about 1477 drops to reach the maximum dose. At the maximum dose, that would be about seven bottles of CBD oil per day.

It is also extremely unlikely that the same pharmacological effect is achieved with the oil as with medicinal CBD - if this were the case, the oil would have to be classified as a medicine. This is because, as mentioned earlier, CBD oils contain little CBD compared to the medicinal variety and the quality can vary considerably depending on the manufacturing process.

CBD dosage according to body weight

Some recommend CBD oil dosage by body weight, although it is unclear on what basis or scientific evidence these recommendations are based. The following dosage recommendation is often given:

  • 2mg CBD per 10kg - low effects
  • 7mg CBD per 10kg - medium effects
  • 13mg CBD per 10kg - strong effects

Based on the above example with a person weighing 65kg, the doses would be 13, 45.5 and 84.5mg CBD. Accordingly, this would be a slightly different dosage recommendation as for micro, standard and macro dosing.

What role do CBD concentrations play?

Most manufacturers of CBD oils state the CBD content in percent. The conversion is simple:


Amount on 10ml

2 percent


5 percent


10 percent


15 percent


20 percent


Now, it is the case that, for example, two drops of a 5 percent CBD oil contain approximately the same CBD dose as one drop of a 10 percent oil.

This raises two questions:

1. Does a higher percentage CBD oil produce stronger effects?

No, higher percentage CBD products do not automatically trigger stronger effects. Many users choose a high-percentage product because the taste of the oil is more pleasant. This is because CO2 extraction alone is not sufficient for CBD oils above 5 percent. In order to increase the CBD content, other methods are used. Depending on which method the manufacturer chooses, important ingredients such as cannabinoids, terpenes and secondary plant substances are lost. Accordingly, it would then no longer be a full-spectrum oil and the entourage effect would most likely be lost.

Furthermore, when buying CBD oil, it is important to pay attention to what the percentage refers to. Is it really only cannabidiol or is its "precursor" cannabidiolic acid (CBDA) included. If the CBDA content is too high, it is an inferior product. CBDA does not have the same effect as CBD.

Reputable manufacturers provide their customers with analysis reports from independent laboratories. These reports show various values, such as CBD, CBDA and THC content.

How important is the percentage on the oils anyway?

Ultimately, the CBD concentration of a product is of no importance. Even though the CBD oil dosage often includes a table showing which concentration is suitable for which symptoms, this is not relevant. This is because the effect and its strength depends on other factors.

Taking CBD: What does the effect depend on?

The interaction of the active substances from hemp and the effects on the human body is very complex. Research is only at the beginning, so that so far neither clear evidence on the mode of action with different diseases and symptoms nor uniform guidelines for dosages exist.

Basically, every person reacts differently to the substances they are given. This also applies to the phytocannabinoids and the other ingredients from hemp. In this respect, the spectrum of effect depends on very individual factors. From experience it is known that, for example, three drops of CBD oil with 5 percent already causes effects in one person and not in another. On the other hand, there are people who feel no effect at all after taking ten drops of a 20 percent oil. Still others report positive experiences when they take two drops of a 10-percent oil. This alone shows the difficulty of dosing.

Recommendations for CBD dosage

Every person who decides to use CBD products in oil form needs time and patience to find their own personal dosage range. Beginners should start with 2 or 5 percent oils and follow the manufacturer's instructions. As a rule, manufacturers recommend a dose of one to three drops, so that you can first observe your own body and wait to see how it reacts. It can take 60 to 90 minutes for an effect to occur, and the duration of effect can be eight hours. If there is no effect, the dose can be repeated the next day or increased to four to five drops. Even then, the first thing to do is to wait and observe the body. If again there is no effect, it is possible to try the next higher percentage oil - of course with a low dose at first.

In this way, users can approach their personal dosage step by step.

Disagreement on the maximum daily amount
How many mg of CBD per day? - This is a frequently asked question by users. Unfortunately, there is no general answer to this question. In the search for an answer, users come across a wide variety of information on the maximum daily amount.

While some set the maximum daily amount at 50 mg of CBD, others recommend not exceeding the maximum daily amount of 200 mg. Others even set the maximum amount at 1500mg or higher. On the other hand, the manufacturers of the products are much more cautious with the maximum dose and state that no more than six to eight drops should be taken per day. That would be about 10 to 20mg.

How dangerous are high CBD doses?

Just because the substance is of natural origin does not automatically mean that it is harmless and safe to take. CBD can also cause side effects and interactions. In studies in which high doses were used, the following side effects were observed:

- Drowsiness
- Dizziness
- Low blood pressure
- Dry mouth
- Headache
- Gastrointestinal problems

In addition, high doses of CBD are suspected of causing toxic liver damage.

These statements refer to very high doses of CBD, which are not found in our products.

CBD intoxication - does it exist?

The fact is that CBD is by definition a psychoactive substance. Thus, the term psychoactive refers to a substance that acts in the central nervous system and influences certain brain functions. Although CBD does not have the same effects as THC, it can still cross the blood-brain barrier and bind to the receptors in the central nervous system. In one study, researchers:inside found that a dose of 400mg of CBD vaporised via a vaporiser led to a dissociated state.

The test subjects described a feeling of alienation from themselves, a sense of unreal surroundings, and altered internal and external perceptions. In conclusion, the researchers state that medium to high doses can induce a kind of intoxication when ingested, although the exact mechanisms are still unclear.

What does this mean in terms of the daily limit? In fact, there are still many unanswered questions.

Tip: For this reason, it is particularly important to handle CBD responsibly. Uncontrolled use can pose risks. For this reason, users should observe their body and its reactions very closely.

Basically, the recommendation is to always follow the manufacturer's dosage instructions.


How much CBD per day?

There is a lot of disagreement about the maximum daily amount. It should be noted that although CBD is a natural substance, it should not be taken uncontrollably and without hesitation. Studies have shown that medium-high and high doses around 400mg can impair cognition, although not to the same extent as THC. In addition, high doses are suspected of causing toxic liver damage. Therefore, users should always follow the dosage instructions of the manufacturer or consult a doctor if necessary.

How many mg of CBD per kg?

In scientific studies, CBD is used in pharmaceutical grade and in very high doses. The dosage here is based on body weight. Such schemes are not transferable to freely available CBD oils. Therefore, it is recommended to follow the dosage guidelines of the manufacturer.

How much CBD for a beginner?

Each manufacturer provides dosage guidelines for their products, which users should generally follow. For people who have no experience with CBD, the recommendation is to start with a two or five percent CBD oil and a maximum of three drops. If this does not show any effects, it is possible to slowly increase the dose. Manufacturers also provide information on this.