CBD-oil for dogs?

Tom tried CBD oil for pets with Aussie and we interviewed him

Nero is an Australian Shepherd, one year old, very sweet and playful. From time to time, however, he is a little restless, has stress and sometimes suffers from inflammation and digestive problems. That's why Tom tried buy ALPINOLS CBD oil for dogs. To start with the 3% (actually more suitable for cats), but then soon the 6% oil, which he uses four times a day for Nero.

ALPINOLS: Tom, why did you want to try CBD oil for your dog, Nero?

Tom: I am a medical cannabis patient myself and I have benefited enormously from CBD products so I really wanted to test CBD oil with Nero. What helps me, can't be bad for my dog!

ALPINOLS: What was important to you when choose a CBD product?

Tom: It was important to me that it was a high quality hemp extract which comes from organic cultivation, preferably from Europe. As I have been dealing with the cannabis plant for years and know how important the origin of the extracts is, these were the most important requirements.

ALPINOLS: How did you give Nero the CBD oil and how much of it?

Tom: At the beginning I started with a very low dosage and used the 3% CBD oil, approximately 6 drops daily for a period of 2 months; at the time Nero was still a puppy and it was recommended me a gradual increase of the dosage. I then quickly changed to the 6% ALPINOLS for dogs, due to Nero's weight and size, and I currently give 4 drops daily.

ALPINOLS: How did Nero react to that?

Tom: Amazingly. What it really surprised me was that his inflammation between the hind legs, which was caused by grasses, got better and better after about 1-2 weeks. I had previously used a special product from the vet, but it was less successful than ALPINOLS CBD oil. Nero had some issue with his stomach and this has also been regulated. I cannot say exactly whether CBD has improved his conditions, but he got better. Moreover, Nero has made great progress while reacting and during his training; he is generally more balanced.

ALPINOLS: How does Nero feel now and would you personally recommend CBD for pets to others?

Tom: Nero is doing great; we stick with ALPINOLS CBD oil and I can definitely recommend it. Please keep up the good work!

Thank you, Tom and Nero!

All CBD oils for dogs