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CBD oil pregnancy and breastfeeding

In case you're wondering if CBD oil can be used on pregnancy and breastfeeding, here's a little disclaimer:
CBD oil, unlike medical CBD used in studies, is regulated as a cosmetic in Germany. Since it cannot be sold as a dietary supplement due legal regulations, it should not be swallowed. In other countries such as the UK, however, CBD is already approved as a dietary supplement and can be consumed. To avoid confusion, we explicitly state that our statements refer to CBD in general and not to specific oils or products.
On the legal position of CBD in the Therapeutic Products Advertising Act:
There are numerous studies that provide evidence that CBD has various therapeutic properties and can provide support for many ailments. Since cannabidiol is currently covered by the Therapeutic Products Advertising Act, we are not allowed to make any therapeutic claims at this point. We would also like to point out that our products are not considered as medical preparations.
The positive pregnancy test and confirmation by a gynecologist means that a woman must now take responsibility for the unborn child. Henceforth, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, caffeine, various dietary supplements, certain medicines and much more should be avoided for the sake of the child. But what about CBD oil during pregnancy? Does CBD help against various pregnancy ailments such as nausea, headaches, anxiety or sleep disorders? Or is CBD even harmful during pregnancy? And is it allowed to use CBD while breastfeeding? The following article aims to answer these questions.
CBD oil against nausea and vomiting?
Taking cannabinoids like THC and CBD during pregnancy.
Use of CBD during pregnancy
Clear no for CBD oil during pregnancy
Pregnancy: use CBD massage oil?
Use of CBD during breastfeeding
CBD in pregnancy: Conclusion
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabinoid from the hemp plant. However, unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is also one of the cannabinoids from hemp, CBD does not cause intoxicating effects.
In various studies, mainly laboratory and animal studies, as well as some human clinical trials, medical cannabidiol (CBD) from the cannabis plant showed broad therapeutic potential.
CBD products have a much lower CBD content, as here the CBD is extracted from the commercial hemp. This contains only small traces of THC, which is why the products are freely available for purchase. Mainly, CBD products are used to increase well-being. In addition, CBD is said to have a calming and anxiety-relieving effect. In addition, the cannabinoid can also cause anti-inflammatory effects.
According to the experiences of users, CBD oil is said to be able to relieve pain. However, the pain-relieving effect of CBD has not yet been sufficiently studied. Scientists assume that CBD may influence the sensation of pain, making it more bearable.
CBD oil against nausea and vomiting?
The cannabinoids from the hemp plant bind to the cannabinoid receptors of the endocannabinoid system, a kind of regulatory system in the body that is involved in various processes, such as the perception of pain, emotions or appetite. Scientists suggest that cannabinoids' influence on the endocannabinoid system can relieve nausea and vomiting, but it can also cause them.
Studies have shown that THC may be useful for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. Little research has been done to determine whether CBD alone can exert this antiemetic effect. In clinical trials in humans administered high doses of CBD, side effects such as nausea were observable.
On the other hand, animal studies showed that CBD, depending on the dosage, may indirectly activate the so-called 5-HT1A receptors and thus reduce the release of serotonin (5-HTP). Thus, CBD could also be effective for chemotherapy-induced symptoms. Whether CBD can exert an effect against nausea and vomiting when these symptoms are not triggered by chemotherapy is unclear.
To explain, various drugs (cystotics) are used as part of chemotherapy. The body evaluates these as toxins and attempts to eliminate them through emesis. The corresponding command transmission takes place through various messenger substances that bind to special receptors. The messenger substance serotonin plays a particularly important role here. It is mainly stored in the cells of the mucosa of the small intestine and is then released when the cells are damaged, for example by cystotics. The activation of the serotonin receptors (5-HT1A), then triggers the vomiting.
Taking cannabinoids like THC and CBD during pregnancy.
The first thing to say is that no studies exist in which pregnant women or nursing mothers were given cannabinoids such as THC or CBD and the effect on the embryo or newborn was investigated. This would be highly unethical and pose a significant risk to both mother and child.
The results from animal and laboratory studies are inconsistent and in some cases contradictory. It is considered certain that the ingredients from the cannabis drug can enter the circulation of the fetus via the placenta. Whether this disturbs prenatal development or affects the function of the central nervous system of the fetus can neither be ruled out nor confirmed.
Results from human studies
Studies found evidence of increased risk for the following problems in newborns when mothers had used cannabis during pregnancy, among others:
- Low birth weight
- Anemia (anemia of the blood)
Need for intensive medical monitoring
Then, at school age, impairments in attention skills, impulse control, and visual memory were observable in the children. However, researchers also point out that it is difficult to separate the effects of cannabinoids from those of alcohol, cigarettes and illicit drugs, which were also frequently used by the women observed. This is because it is unclear whether the women interviewed had made truthful statements regarding the use of these substances.
Results from animal models
In animal studies, brain, eye and facial malformations were detectable in pregnant mice after the administration of synthetic cannabinoids to the newborns, although it should also be mentioned here that synthetic cannabinoids interact even more strongly with cannabinoid receptors than natural cannabinoids from hemp. Furthermore, the higher the dose, the more pronounced the malformations were.
Use of CBD during pregnancy
Most studies that have been used to investigate the effects of cannabinoids have used either synthetic cannabinoids, THC alone, or cannabis with all cannabinoids, including CBD. The effect of CBD alone during pregnancy, has rarely been the subject of investigation.
Interesting is a study on cell lines. The researchers state that the development of the placenta involves the following strictly controlled processes:
- Cell proliferation (rapid growth of tissue)
- Apoptosis (cell death)
- Autophagy ("recycling plant" of cells)
- Migration/invasion of trophoblast cells (trophoblast: layer of cells responsible for feeding the fetus).
CBD interferes with these processes, which, according to the researchers:inside, may have an impact on the outcome of the pregnancy.
Clear no for CBD oil in pregnancy
Pregnant women are responsible not only for their own bodies, but also for the unborn child. Therefore, in order not to take any unnecessary risk and due to the insufficient study situation, it is not recommended to take CBD during pregnancy.
In the case that a pregnant woman suffers from severe nausea, there are much lower-risk options that she should discuss with her gynecologist.
Pregnancy: use CBD massage oil?
In addition to CBD oil in the form of drops placed under the tongue, there are other products containing CBD. For example, massage oils that are enriched with CBD. Again, the recommendation is to avoid such a product during pregnancy. This is because there is a definite possibility that the ingredients may enter the bloodstream and thus endanger the health of the child.
Use of CBD during breastfeeding
After pregnancy, many women struggle with sleepless nights, anxiety and stress. CBD products could have a positive effect on the well-being of the newly pregnant mother. However, this also raises the question of whether CBD is safe for the child during breastfeeding.
Already in the embryonic stage, the body of a pregnant woman begins to produce endocannabinoids. Even after birth, these can still be detected in breast milk. How they get there, however, is unclear. Just because the body produces its own cannabinoids does not mean that added cannabinoids such as THC or CBD do not endanger the newborn.
In an interesting study, samples of breast milk were taken from eight women who regularly used cannabis. The researchers found that the newborns absorbed about 2.5 percent THC from breast milk. Accordingly, minute amounts of THC were present in the blood of the newborns.
It can be assumed that CBD also passes into breast milk. For this reason, the recommendation not to use CBD products during breastfeeding also applies here.
CBD in pregnancy: Conclusion
Certainly, pregnancy does not bring only joys. Many women suffer from various ailments. Before buying and taking medicines, herbal remedies or dietary supplements, every pregnant woman should first consult with her gynecologist in order not to endanger the unborn child.
The effect of cannabidiol (CBD) has not yet been sufficiently researched, especially with regard to its use during pregnancy and in the case when the mother is breastfeeding her newborn. Therefore, it is advisable to refrain from using CBD in this case as well.
Is CBD good for pregnant women?
An expectant mother should abstain from alcohol, nicotine, coffee, drugs, certain medications and many other substances. Many women wonder if CBD products are also part of this. So far, little research has been done on the topic of CBD during pregnancy and the possible effects on the unborn child. Since cannabinoids such as CBD are placenta-passing, CBD should generally be avoided during pregnancy.
What can be taken during pregnancy to calm down?
It can be observed in many pregnant women that they suffer from anxiety, worry and inner restlessness. In principle, light physical exercise is a very good remedy for such complaints. However, when it comes to taking calming medications or herbal remedies, the gynecologist should always be asked for advice. When looking for natural help, pregnant women also often come across CBD oil, which promises relief. However, since it is not clear what influence CBD has on the embryo, CBD should not be used during pregnancy.