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Reduce stress: How CBD could help with stress

In case you're wondering if CBD oil can help with stress, here's a little disclaimer:
CBD oil, unlike medical CBD used in studies, is regulated as a cosmetic in Germany. Since it cannot be sold as a dietary supplement due legal regulations, it should not be swallowed. In other countries such as the UK, however, CBD is already approved as a dietary supplement and can be consumed. To avoid confusion, we explicitly state that our statements refer to CBD in general and not to specific oils or products.
On the legal position of CBD in the Therapeutic Products Advertising Act:
There are numerous studies that provide evidence that CBD has various therapeutic properties and can provide support for many ailments. Since cannabidiol is currently covered by the Therapeutic Products Advertising Act, we are not allowed to make any therapeutic claims at this point. We would also like to point out that our products are not considered as medical preparations.
Pressure to perform, deadline management and work-life balance: managing all this can be quite exhausting at times. Stress is part of life, but in the long run it can be very stressful and even make people ill. Accordingly, it is beneficial for those affected to find ways and means of coping with and preventing stress. More and more often, sufferers are turning to the non-intoxicating CBD of the hemp plant. In the following article, readers will learn what CBD is, what role the substance could play in stress management, and what else needs to be taken into consideration.
Stress symptoms: How you can tell you're stressed
Effects of stress: Why you should reduce stress
Stress management: How you can combat stress hormones
Stress prevention: Avoiding stress at an early stage
CBD as an herbal remedy for stress
Does CBD also help with chronic stress
Stress symptoms: How you can tell that you are stressed
Signs of stress are manifold and can stress the entire organism. Physically, symptoms such as trembling, accelerated heartbeat and breathing, tension, exhaustion, reduced performance, back pain and headaches, sleep disorders or gastrointestinal complaints can occur. In addition, psychological complaints, such as nervousness, inner restlessness, irritability or feelings of anxiety, also appear.
Physically, these symptoms are due to the increased release of the stress hormones adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol. In addition, the neurotransmitters serotonin, GABA and glutamate are involved in stress reactions in the body.
Effects of stress: Why you should reduce stress
Stress is not always negative: In principle, a distinction can be made between positive (eustress) and negative stress (disstress). An individual balance of (positive) tension and relaxation is considered to be beneficial to health and performance - but it is problematic if disstress gets out of hand. In the case of a permanent stress load, body and psyche hardly come to rest. In the long term, illnesses can be promoted or aggravated in this way. Related to stress are, for example:
- Mental illnesses: Burnout syndrome, depression, anxiety disorders or panic attacks.
- Cardiovascular diseases: High blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, heart attack or stroke.
- Digestive problems: heartburn, stomach ulcers or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
- Muscle tension: This often results in headaches and back pain.
- Skin diseases: Psoriasis or atopic dermatitis flare-ups.
- Infections: Constant stress weakens the immune system.
- Tinnitus and hearing loss
To prevent illnesses from developing in the first place, or to make them worse through stress, you should try to ensure more relaxation and balance in your everyday life.
Stress management: How you can reduce stress hormones
When stressed, some people resort to medication, alcohol or drugs to relax. However, these supposed helpers carry high risks and are therefore no solution. It is much more important and efficient to identify the so-called stressors (stress triggers) and try to avoid them. The following methods can also provide more relaxation:
- Breathing exercises
- Autogenic training
- Meditation
- Progressive muscle relaxation
- Sports
- Yoga
Stress prevention: Avoiding stress at an early stage
Ideally, those affected apply stress prevention measures at an early stage so that tension does not arise in the first place or can develop into a long-term problem. In principle, all relaxation exercises such as meditation or yoga can be used not only in acute cases of stress, but also preventively.
Also helpful: through a healthy diet, sufficient sleep and regular physical activity, people can strengthen their physical condition and thus become more resistant to future stress. Sport in particular helps to release pent-up energy and internal pressure. However, care must be taken not to place too unrealistic demands on oneself, as this can create new stresses.
Herbal preparations can also help to reduce stress. Many stress sufferers use the cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD) from the hemp plant in the form of CBD oil.
CBD as a herbal remedy against stress
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the most important cannabinoids of the hemp plant, along with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Unlike THC, however, CBD does not cause an intoxicating effect. Both THC and CBD have broad therapeutic potential, although research is still in its infancy.
In the body, cannabinoids like CBD bind to the receptors of the endocannabinoid system. This (endogenous) endocannabinoid system is part of the nervous system and is involved in a wide variety of physiological processes, such as emotions and the sensation of pain. From this, researchers deduce that CBD can have, among other things, a calming and anxiety-relieving effect, which is also indicated by various studies. In this respect, CBD could be a herbal remedy for stress.
Does CBD also help with chronic stress?
Stress is often not a short-term or one-time problem and can become a disease in its own right. It is therefore all the more important to prevent it and take measures early on to reduce stress.
In principle, CBD products can also be a support for chronic stress. However, long-term use should not take place without consulting a doctor. This is because there is hardly any scientific knowledge about the long-term use of CBD so far.
Is CBD good for the nerves?
The effect of CBD on the body has not yet been adequately researched. However, it is known that the cannabinoid binds to the cannabinoid receptors in the human endocannabinoid system and can trigger a variety of effects there. Various studies provide evidence that CBD can have a calming and anxiety-relieving effect, which is why the compound can be used for anxiety. In addition, many people use CBD for stress and inner turmoil.
What symptoms does CBD help with?
Cannabidiol (CBD) has been shown in studies to be primarily an anti-inflammatory substance. In addition, however, CBD can also have a calming effect and alter the sensation of pain. Freely available CBD oils are often used as a support by people suffering from high stress levels, inner turmoil and anxiety. However, it is important for sufferers to find a way to bring down stress levels. One particularly good method is regular exercise. But relaxation-promoting sports such as yoga or Pilates can also help to reduce stress.