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CBD drops as natural blood pressure reducers?

In case you're wondering if CBD oil can help with high blood pressure, here's a little disclaimer:
CBD oil, unlike medical CBD used in studies, is regulated as a cosmetic in Germany. Since it cannot be sold as a dietary supplement due legal regulations, it should not be swallowed. In other countries such as the UK, however, CBD is already approved as a dietary supplement and can be consumed. To avoid confusion, we explicitly state that our statements refer to CBD in general and not to specific oils or products.
On the legal position of CBD in the Therapeutic Products Advertising Act:
There are numerous studies that provide evidence that CBD has various therapeutic properties and can provide support for many ailments. Since cannabidiol is currently covered by the Therapeutic Products Advertising Act, we are not allowed to make any therapeutic claims at this point. We would also like to point out that our products are not considered as medical preparations.
High blood pressure: causes & symptoms
Antihypertensive drugs - drug treatment
Lowering blood pressure naturally
Herbal treatment for high blood pressure
How are CBD and blood pressure related?
CBD against high blood pressure
The non-intoxicating cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD) is increasingly becoming the focus of research and due to the potential broad spectrum of effects, many people naturally wonder whether CBD can help with high blood pressure. Therefore, the following article deals with the questions of what influence CBD can have on blood pressure as well as blood vessels, and whether CBD can even be a natural blood pressure reducer.
High blood pressure is one of the most common diseases in the Western world, making it one of the most widespread diseases. For many people, it goes unnoticed for a long time. However, if blood pressure is elevated for a long time, the blood vessels are damaged. As a result, secondary diseases such as heart attacks and strokes can occur.
High blood pressure: causes & symptoms
The heart is a truly impressive organ. This is because it is the only muscle in the human body that gives itself the impulse to contract and relax. The sinus node located in the heart sends the respective signals and the heart contracts (systole) - blood flows out into the body to supply the organs with blood. In the next step, the muscle relaxes again (diastole), oxygen-rich blood flows into the heart chambers and waits for the next signal.
Blood pressure measurement can be used to determine what pressure prevails in the arteries (vessels leading from the heart to the body) at the time of contraction and relaxation. If the pressure is too high, physicians speak of arterial hypertension. If it is too low, hypertension is present.
In healthy adults, the normal values are a systolic pressure of 110 to 130 mmHg and a diastolic pressure of 70 to 85 mmHg. Under exertion or during a period of rest, the values can also vary upwards or downwards - however, the systolic blood pressure value should never exceed 200 mmHg.
Complaints that indicate the presence of high blood pressure include:
- Dizziness
- Palpitations
- Headache
- Nosebleeds
- Sleep disturbances
If high blood pressure (hypertension) is not treated, there is a high risk of developing serious cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack or stroke.
Antihypertensives - drug treatment
As a rule, high blood pressure is treated with drugs known as antihypertensives. Here, mainly ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ramipril, lisinopril, valsartan) are used. They dilate the blood vessels so that resistance is reduced and blood pressure falls. Less frequently, patients receive calcium antagonists/calcium channel blockers, diuretics, beta blockers, alpha blockers or direct renin inhibitors. This is because the side effect profile of these drugs makes their use unattractive, and physicians carefully weigh up whether it is worth taking them. Any other diseases must also be taken into account.
Possible side effects of antihypertensives include:
- Dry, irritating cough
- Increase in potassium levels
- restriction of kidney function
- water retention at the ankle
- increased risk of skin cancer (certain diuretics)
- fatigue
- rarely angioedema (swelling of the face and throat)
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Evidence shows that lifestyle changes can also have an impact on high blood pressure. If patients are willing to adapt their lifestyle to the disease, they can probably reduce their medication after a while, and in the case of mild hypertension, perhaps even stop taking it altogether.
Doctors usually recommend that their patients exercise more and change their diet. A so-called "Mediterranean diet" with less salt is considered optimal. The result of the change in overweight people is optimally weight loss, which can also lead to an improvement. It is also advisable to avoid cigarettes and alcohol and to reduce stress.
Taking herbal action against high blood pressure
In addition to lifestyle changes, certain foods and herbal remedies can also help lower blood pressure. However, it is important to note that these remedies cannot replace drug therapy. High blood pressure must always be clarified and monitored by a doctor - in case of doubt, life-threatening consequences are imminent!
Foods rich in potassium, such as bananas, beet, potatoes or nuts, are said to have a positive effect on high blood pressure. However, this has not yet been conclusively proven by studies. In addition, the cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD) from hemp is repeatedly discussed as a herbal remedy for high blood pressure.
How are CBD and blood pressure related?
Cannabinoids such as CBD bind in the body to the receptors that belong to the endocannabinoid system. This belongs to the nervous system and is involved in regulation of various biological processes, such as on the emotions, on the sensation of pain, inflammatory processes, appetite and many more. Due to this wide-ranging effect, it does not seem far-fetched that CBD could possibly have an impact on hypertension.
It is well known that THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the intoxicating cannabinoid from cannabis, can affect the cardiovascular system. However, there is little evidence to date on how cannabidiol (CBD) affects it.
In one study, nine healthy people received either 600mg of CBD or a placebo (dummy drug). In the CBD group, it was observed that CBD reduced blood pressure at rest and the increase in blood pressure during stress. At the same time, heart rate increased.
Further studies show that the blood pressure lowering effect of CBD was predominantly demonstrated under stress conditions. In this respect, the results from other studies, in which it was shown that CBD can have a calming and anxiety-relieving effect, are basically confirmed.
CBD against high blood pressure
Stress can promote high blood pressure. Therefore, CBD could be used supportively to help sufferers calm down more easily. However, CBD products are not medications that are suitable for lowering blood pressure. The use of CBD and antihypertensive drugs should also always be discussed with the attending physician, as interactions can occur.
How dangerous is high blood pressure?
High blood pressure that is not treated can have enormous health consequences. This is because the blood vessels and organs can be damaged and the risk of suffering a stroke or heart attack increases. What's problematic about the condition is that the body usually doesn't send symptoms like headaches or dizziness as warning signals until massive high blood pressure occurs.
What lowers blood pressure naturally?
Regular endurance sports, exercise in the fresh air and a balanced diet can help with high blood pressure. Various foods are also considered natural blood pressure reducers, such as beet, garlic, kale, peas, walnuts and oils with healthy fatty acids like hemp oil or olive oil.
Does CBD lower blood pressure?
When looking for a natural blood pressure reducer, many come across CBD products such as CBD oil, which contains the cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD) from the hemp plant. However, there are very few studies that have examined CBD's potential effect on blood pressure. CBD can be used supportively for the treatment of high blood pressure, as the cannabinoid can develop calming and anxiety-relieving effects.