CBD for inflammation

CBD bei Entzündungen


In case you're wondering if CBD oil can be used for inflamation and breastfeeding, here's a little disclaimer:

CBD oil, unlike medical CBD used in studies, is regulated as a cosmetic in Germany. Since it cannot be sold as a dietary supplement due legal regulations, it should not be swallowed. In other countries such as the UK, however, CBD is already approved as a dietary supplement and can be consumed. To avoid confusion, we explicitly state that our statements refer to CBD in general and not to specific oils or products.

On the legal position of CBD in the Therapeutic Products Advertising Act:

There are numerous studies that provide evidence that CBD has various therapeutic properties and can provide support for many ailments. Since cannabidiol is currently covered by the Therapeutic Products Advertising Act, we are not allowed to make any therapeutic claims at this point. We would also like to point out that our products are not considered as medical preparations.

Inflammations are a completely normal defense reaction of the body. The cause can be a pathogen, but also a foreign body (e.g. splinter in the finger). Certain diseases can also trigger inflammation. Drug treatment, especially for chronic inflammation, is often associated with severe side effects. Therefore, many sufferers seek a natural alternative. One option could be the cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD), which comes from the hemp plant. According to various studies, CBD can actually help with inflammation.

What is inflammation?
Types of inflammation and causes
Treatments for inflammation
CBD in inflammation: Current research
The role of CBD against inflammation
Summary: Does CBD have an anti-inflammatory effect?

The hemp contains numerous important ingredients. For science, especially the cannabinoids are interesting. The best-known cannabinoids include the psychoactive and intoxicating tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). Although CBD does not trigger any intoxicating effect, it nevertheless belongs to the psychoactive substances. Psychoactive" means that a substance affects the central nervous system. This is true for CBD, as studies have shown that it has a calming effect and can help with anxiety. In addition, CBD has anti-inflammatory properties.

However, before we delve further into the anti-inflammatory effects in this article, let's address the question of what inflammation is in the first place and what treatment options are available.

What is inflammation?

Inflammation is the body's complex response to a harmful stimulus. Such a harmful stimulus can be, for example, pathogens (e.g. bacteria, fungi, viruses) or external injuries (e.g. abrasion). But various diseases can also cause inflammation. The immune system then tries to fight off the stimulus and begins to release messenger substances and mobilize immune cells. This immune response is then often accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Redness of the affected tissue
  • Overheating/heat of the area
  • Swelling
  • pain
  • disturbed or restricted function of the body part

In principle, almost every organ and every part of the body can become inflamed. However, the symptoms do not always manifest themselves in the same way. In addition to the local signs of inflammation, other symptoms such as fever, night sweats or a general feeling of illness can also occur.

    Types of inflammation and causes

    There are a large number of types of inflammation that are important in numerous (also serious) diseases. Examples include diabetes, chronic inflammatory bowel diseases and cardiovascular diseases. With regard to the temporal course, experts differentiate between various forms of inflammation. While an acute inflammation occurs suddenly, a subacute form moderately quickly and a peracute form very quickly, a chronic inflammation is permanently present. Recurrence is said to occur when the inflammatory event occurs in phases.

    It is also important to distinguish between acute and chronic inflammation:

    • Acute inflammation: This represents the first defensive reaction of the body. The blood supply to the inflamed area is increased, so that higher amounts of blood fluid and immune cells reach it. A sequence of biochemical reactions then sets the inflammatory process in motion. Possible causes of this reaction can be, for example: bruises, strains, haematomas, chemical substances (e.g. toxins and acids), foreign bodies (e.g. wood splinters), bacteria or allergens. Once the affected tissue damage has healed, the inflammatory process usually subsides quickly.
    • Chronic inflammation: In some cases, the inflammatory event never fully subsides and becomes a permanent problem. The inflammation swells permanently in the body and can, under certain circumstances, worsen again and again or spread to other parts of the body (secondary chronic course), as in the case of tonsillitis or bronchitis, for example. In the primary chronic course, the immune system attacks not only harmful stimuli but also healthy tissue, resulting in further inflammatory reactions. Such overactivity is also referred to as autoimmune disease. Examples are: Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), rheumatoid arthritis (RA) or psoriasis.

    Treatments for inflammation

    Treatment involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSRA) or cortisone in the form of tablets, suppositories or ointments. They are intended to reduce the signs of inflammation, help relieve pain, and reduce fever. However, these drugs are not free of side effects and should not be used regularly, otherwise the risk of developing stomach problems, ulcers and bleeding increases. This also applies to the use of painkillers.

    Mild inflammation can often also be treated with simple (natural) measures, such as anti-inflammatory medicinal plants like willow bark, poplar buds as well as bittersweet stems.

    CBD for inflammation: Current research

    When searching for herbal anti-inflammatory remedies, cannabidiol (CBD) quickly comes to mind. In recent years, the therapeutic potential of cannabinoids such as THC and CBD has been increasingly discussed. In particular, CBD is a frequent subject of numerous investigations and research. The following question is often explored: Does CBD have an anti-inflammatory effect?

    Answers to this question are provided by various studies. In a study conducted on animals, researchers  found that CBD in the right dosage was able to regulate inflammation. This finding also supports other scientific (preclinical) research.

    In an interesting study, researchers:inside examined the effect of CBD and fish oil on mice suffering from inflammatory bowel disease. The result states that both substances, in appropriate doses, when administered together, attenuated inflammation in the intestines.
    Researchers therefore hope that the cannabinoid could also play a role in the therapy of chronic diseases. In in vitro studies (cell studies), as well as in animal studies and human studies, the use of CBD in inflammatory diseases such as arthritis has shown promising results.

    Researchers highlight the efficacy of CBD in autoimmune diseases (e.g. multiple sclerosis), since according to studies, the active ingredient can not only trigger anti-inflammatory effects, but also exert an immunosuppressive effect. This means that CBD may be able to "calm down" the overshooting immune system to reduce inflammation.

    The role of CBD against inflammation

    Cannabinoids from the cannabis plant interact with the (body's) endocannabinoid system (ESC). This is part of the human nervous system and is involved in the regulation of numerous processes in the body, such as the sensation of pain, emotions, appetite, immune system function, and also inflammation. Both endogenous cannabinoids (endocannabinoids) and hemp-derived phytocannabinoids bind to ESC cannabinoid receptors (CB1 receptor and CB2 receptor) located throughout virtually the entire body.

    However, the exact mechanisms and how CBD exerts its effects on inflammation are very complex and far from fully understood.

    Summary: Does CBD have an anti-inflammatory effect?

    CBD certainly has great potential to reduce inflammation. Numerous study results certainly suggest that the medical use of CBD can be beneficial for certain chronic inflammatory diseases.

    CBD products (e.g. CBD oil or CBD cosmetic products) are also very popular
    and the majority of users report positive experiences. However, care should be taken that the CBD oil or other CBD products are of high quality and preferably come from organic hemp cultivation. This ensures that the products are free of pesticides, herbicides and other foreign substances.


    How can inflammations be treated?
    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSRA) such as ibuprofen are most commonly used to treat inflammation (and pain). Likewise, cortisone has anti-inflammatory effects. For mild inflammation, the use of herbal remedies may also be helpful. Complementing this, a healthy lifestyle and diet can help reduce inflammation levels in the body.

    Can CBD help with inflammation?

    Cannabidiol (CBD), like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is a phytocannabinoid from hemp. However, CBD does not have an intoxicating effect. Instead, CBD has a variety of properties, including anti-inflammatory properties. There are already promising study results on this. In particular, CBD seems to have a positive effect on chronic diseases in which inflammations occur as a result of an overactive immune system.

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