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CBD for ADHD - a promising alternative?

If you're wondering whether CBD oil can help with ADHD, here's a little hint:
Unlike medical CBD, which is used in studies, CBD oil is approved as a cosmetic in Germany. Since it is not allowed to be offered as a dietary supplement by law, it should not be swallowed. In other countries such as Great Britain, however, CBD is already permitted as a dietary supplement and can be consumed. To avoid confusion, we explicitly point out that our statements refer to CBD in general and not to individual oils or products.
On the legal situation of CBD in the Medicines Advertising Act:
There are numerous studies that indicate that CBD has different therapeutic properties and can provide support for many complaints. Since cannabidiol is currently covered by the Medicines Advertising Act, we are not allowed to make any promises of healing at this point. We would also like to point out that our products are not medical preparations.
Around five percent of children and young people worldwide suffer from ADHD or ADD. In over half, the mental disorder persists into adulthood. If the disease is not recognized and treated early, adults often have problems coping with their everyday lives. When looking for natural support, many sufferers come across cannabidiol (CBD), a non-intoxicating cannabinoid from the hemp plant. But can CBD help with ADHD and ADD? What do current studies say? The following article aims to answer these questions.
What is ADHD/ADD?
ADHD and ADD – symptoms
Treatment of ADHD and ADD
Treat ADD and ADHD naturally
CBD for ADHD – can it help?
CBD for ADHD and ADD: Studies
Does CBD help with ADHD?
CBD oil for ADHD
In 1844, the Frankfurt doctor and psychiatrist Heinrich Hoffmann wrote one of the most successful German children's books entitled “Der Struwwelpeter”. This is, among other things, about little Philipp, who cannot sit still at the table and wobbles his chair. The typical “ Fidget Philipp” was born and in the years that followed, a discussion arose about whether hyperactivity was just a “bad habit” or actually a psychological disorder.
What is ADHD/ADD?
ADHD is the abbreviation for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This psychological disorder is characterized by impulsivity, inattention and hyperactivity.Attention deficit disorder – ADD for short – is the “little brother” of ADHD. Those affected are inattentive and unfocused. However, they do not suffer from hyperactive behavioral problems.
Both ADHD and ADD are congenital mental disorders whose symptoms usually become noticeable before the age of six . However, the symptoms manifest themselves differently in infants, children, adolescents and adults.
ADHD and ADD – symptoms
Typical ADHD symptoms include impulsive behavior, inattention, hyperactivity and impatience . In addition, the people affected have a low frustration limit, usually cannot sit still and show excessive behavior.People with ADD, on the other hand, are dreamy, shy and anxious. Many of those affected are also extremely sensitive and sensitive.
In addition, the following symptoms can be assigned to both diseases:
- Lack of concentration
- decreased impulse control
- disturbed self-regulation
- forgetfulness
- poor time management and frequent dawdling
ADHD/ADD can manifest itself in different ways, which makes diagnosis much more difficult. Especially in children and adolescents, the symptoms often cannot be differentiated from age-appropriate behavior. It is therefore particularly important that the diagnosis is made only by doctors or psychologists who have the appropriate specialist knowledge.
Treatment of ADHD and ADD
A cure for the disease is not possible. However, if attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome and attention deficit disorder are recognized early in childhood and treated accordingly , there is a good chance that children will be able to cope well with the disorder as adults. However, it must also be said that, depending on the severity and severity, treatment is not always necessary .When treating ADHD and ADD, depending on the severity, doctors usually recommend a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy and the administration of medication . In behavioral therapy, patients can learn to deal better with hyperactivity, disorganization, etc.
Therapy with medication is usually only an option if the symptoms are particularly severe in those affected and behavioral therapy is not sufficient. Patients are most often prescribed the active ingredient methylphenidate (Ritalin) . This increases the dopamine concentration in the brain. The messenger substance transmits the signals between the nerve cells and is involved, among other things, in controlling drive, movement and the ability to concentrate. After taking it, the effect occurs relatively quickly and most of those affected can then concentrate better and become calmer.
The active ingredient atomexetine, which increases the norepinephrine concentration in the brain so that signal transmission works better, is slightly less effective. Other medications, such as antidepressants or tranquilizers , are usually only prescribed if methylphenidate and atomexetine do not have a sufficient effect or the side effects are too severe.
Treat ADD and ADHD naturally
The aforementioned medications often cause a problem, and that is the side effects , some of which are significant. That's why many sufferers often ask themselves whether ADD and ADHD can be treated alternatively.
Homeopathy would be such an alternative to complement conventional medical treatment . According to reported experiences, various homeopathic remedies are said to improve the symptoms. However, there is no scientific evidence for this.
In addition, ADD and ADHD can be treated herbally, at least studies show that diet can have an influence . Above all, a balanced diet could help maintain the health of patients.
CBD for ADHD – can it help?
Experts assume that there is a connection between the neurotransmitter dopamine and ADHD/ADD . A lack of the messenger substance could lead to the transmission of information between the nerve cells being disrupted.The endocannabinoid system, which, together with the cannabinoid receptors and the endocannabinoids, is part of the human nervous system, plays a crucial role . The tasks of the endocannabinoid system include, among other things, the regulation of numerous processes such as the sensation of pain, emotions, sleep and appetite.
What is interesting is that the endocannabinoids, which the body can produce itself when needed, are, like dopamine and serotonin, important modulators that are involved, for example, in reward processing, motivation and behavioral flexibility. In this respect, it is assumed that the cannabinoids from the hemp plant, which are very similar to endocannabinoids, also trigger various effects.
CBD for ADHD and ADD: Studies
The cannabinoids from the hemp plant are said to have a number of positive properties . Research is constantly progressing. However, the effect of CBD against ADHD/ADD has not yet been sufficiently researched.
As part of a study , a group of ADHD patients received the oral spray Sativex, which contains equal proportions of the cannabinoids tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). The researchers reported a significant improvement in hyperactivity and impulsive behavior, without any serious side effects.
Does CBD help with ADHD?
Due to a lack of studies, it cannot be said clearly whether CBD alone has an effect on ADHD. However , CBD can have an anti-anxiety and calming effect, which researchers have proven in various studies . In this respect, CBD could definitely be a supplementary support for people who are in very anxious and exciting phases.
CBD oil for ADHD
CBD oils are over-the-counter products that can cause similar effects to medical cannabidiol (CBD). Many people have already had very good experiences with the CBD product and use it primarily to increase their general well-being. Accordingly, CBD oil could be used against ADHD and ADD or their symptoms. However, when purchasing CBD products, you should ensure that they are of high quality .FAQ
What is meant by ADHD?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common mental disorders in children. Over half of them are also affected in adulthood. The causes are not clear. However, it is believed that there are various triggers such as a genetic predisposition or the mother's alcohol/drug use during pregnancy.
How can I treat ADHD without medication?
The focus should always be on cognitive behavioral therapy. This is an important component of the ADHD therapy concept. In addition, homeopathic remedies or herbal remedies such as CBD oil can be used.
Can CBD help treat ADHD?
There are currently no studies examining the effect of CBD on typical symptoms. However, many people use over-the-counter CBD products such as CBD oil because they do not pose the risk of serious side effects.
What do studies say about using CBD to treat ADHD?
The effect of CBD on ADHD has not yet been sufficiently researched and there are no clear studies on this yet. It is known from research and experience reports that many adults with ADHD use cannabis for recreational purposes and can use it to alleviate their symptoms. It is unclear whether CBD alone, i.e. without other cannabinoids such as THC, has the same effect.